Iridology: The Windows to your Physical Health

The eyes have been proclaimed throughout the ages as the window of the soul. What is less well known is that they are the mirror of the body. This article will discuss why iridology is man's greatest diagnostic tool giving you insight into your state of health.

What is Iridology

Iridology gives us a detailed view of our genetics, tissue weaknesses or strengths, and the congestive (or toxic) conditions of the body. It shows us obstructions, prolapsed conditions and chemical accumulations. Not only does it show us our tissue weaknesses and congestion, the eyes show us the degree of these issues.

Iridology is not a tool for diagnosis of ‘disease.’ The terminology of "disease" consists merely of human-created labels assigned to a set of symptoms. Iridology's approach is holistic and takes in the interrelationship of all tissues of the body and the effect chemistry has on them. The health of your physical body depends upon the health of its cells. 

When the cells of the body are weakened, from genetics (lifestyle), inflammation (acidosis) or toxicity, a domino effect of symptoms can manifest, causing symptoms or ‘disease.’ Knowing your body’s weaknesses and lymphatic stagnation is vital in truly understanding “why” you experience what you do and how to correct these conditions.

An iridology reading allows us to:

  • Understand the root cause of symptoms
  • Gain insight into the state of the lymphatic system which is involved in 99% of illnesses
  • Predict future health problems
  • Identify susceptibility to certain health issues
  • Identify genetic weaknesses or strengths 
  • identify toxic accumulations in various parts of the body 

A Brief History

The recorded practice of iris analysis dates back to the time of the ancient Egyptians but the first explicit description of iridological principles are found in Chiromatica Medica, a famous work published in 1665. It was not until the 19th Century that the practice of Iridology as it is known today was established.

In 1861, Hungarian physician Dr. Ignatz von Peczely developed the first iridology chart and is known as the founding father of iridology. Later on, Dr Bernard Jensen pioneered the science of iridology in the United states and developed one of the most comprehensive iris charts.

How it Works

The iris is the most complex external structure of the body. They are an extension of the brain, being incredibly endowed with hundreds of thousands of nerve endings, microscopic blood vessels, muscle and other tissue. The iris of the eye is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by the way of the nervous system. In this way, nature has provided us with a miniature screen showing the most remote areas of the body.

Dr. Jensen stated that “nerve fibres in the iris respond to changes in body tissues by manifesting a reflex physiology that corresponds to specific tissue changes and locations.” In other words, anything that happens in the body will trigger changes in the iris. 

Therefore by observing details of the iris such as the colour, level of brightness or darkness, and the shape and location of lacunas (split in the fibres of the eye), we are able to identify the areas of weakness and the levels (acute, subacute, chronic and degenerative). As the health of the body is restored, the iris will change its structure and color to reflect these changes.

In order to identify which areas of the eye correspond to which parts of the body, an iridology chart is used. Comprehensive iris charts show the location of the organs and body parts as reflected within the iris. Currently there are many versions of the chart however Dr Jensens is known to be the most accurate today.

The iris chart divides the right and left iris into approximately 90 zones, each correlating to a specific area or organ of the body. The right iris responds to the right side of the body and the left to the left side.

Iridology chart
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